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Letter to Daniel Clement from Betsey Chase, Oct 22 1838

A letter from Betsey Clement (1800-1880) to her brother Daniel Clement (1796-1872) informing him of their mother Rachel Perham (1763-1838)'s death.

Bennington, October the 22 1838

My dear Borther. I received a letter from Townsend with a request that I should inform you of the death of our dear Mother. Yes she has gone, gone we trust to the arms of Jesus, where she is now singing the praises of redeeming love. She was taken very violently sick during the night of the 24 or August with the cholera morbus. In a few days the typhus fever set in. She survived until Sept 7 about 12 o'clock. From the first attack of the disease she was sensible she should not recover. She retained her reason to the last but was unable to converse but little although she several times expressed a willingness and even a desire to depart and be with Jesus. The nature of the disease was such as to make her very sleepy. It was impossible to keep her awake but a few minutes at a time and when she was awake it was very difficult for her to speak and for a number of hours before she died she did not speak at all. She had the best of care taken of her and every thing was done that could be to render he last moments as comfortable as possible. Her funeral was attended on the ninth. Six of her children were present and fifteen grandchildren. When we last see our parents we indulged hope at least that we should see them again but we now see that our hopes have been disappointed. Therefore it becomes us to make a wise improvement of this dispensation of providence. I have heard of that uncle John Perham's death. I have heard from Whitingham lately and our friends were well, my family is injoying [enjoying] usual health. I should be glad to see you and family. I have not heard from you since you were at our house. I want you to wright [write] we are in a hurry as we have been unreadable some this summer.

I remain your affectionate sister
Betsey Chase

I have made some inquiries respecting the sale of Bunreadable [possibly "barrels"?] and there is no call for them about here.

Samuel chase


  • Mother here is Rachel Perham (1763-1838)
  • "Townsend" is a reference to Townsend, MA. Some Clements lived there, including Daniel, but Daniel had moved by this time and I'm not sure who was still there.
  • "cholera morbus" is an old name for gastroenteritis, and is not the same as the disease known as cholera.
  • Rachel Perham had 14 children so it wasn't only Daniel who wasn't present at the funeral.